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How to use the toolkit

The toolkit can be used in 2 ways:

  1. As a step by step guide to understanding, advocating & implementing diversion & alternatives.
    Follow the main menu links on the left in the order in which they appear (home, introduction, what, why and how) and within each main menu section, follow the 'further information' links on the right in the order in which they appear.
  2. As a reference collection of resources relevant to diversion and alternatives.
    Use the main menu links on the left and the sub-menu links on the right within each page to dip into sections which are relevant to your specific needs. Alternatively, you can access all the separate documents which have been uploaded to the site directly through the 'resources' section. Finally, you can use the UNICEF main search engine to search for particular key words.

To help orient you within the site, at the bottom of each page of the toolkit in square brackets you will find the 'path' of links which you have followed. For example, this page is situated in the 'Introduction' section, within the sub-section 'About the toolkit'.

Back to Introduction

[Introduction / About the toolkit / How to use the toolkit]


Further information