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Resources by country - OCEANIA




'Program Guidelines 2009-10: Prevention, Diversion, Rehabilitation and Restorative Justice (Indigenous Justice)', Australian Government, Attorney-General's Department, Indigenous Justice and Legal Assistance Division, 2009 [Pdf 62kb]
Funding guidelines to assist the development and implementation of projects that will help reduce Indigenous Australians’ adverse contact with the justice system, with a specific focus on where youth (both female and male) are at risk.

'The specific deterrent effect of custodial penalties on juvenile reoffending', Don Weatherburn, Sumitra Vignaendra & Andrew McGrath, Australian Institute of Criminology (Australian Government), 2009 [Pdf 1.3Mb]
Results of a study suggesting that, other things being equal, children given custodial orders are no less likely to reoffend than children given non-custodial orders. "The adverse effects of imprisonment on employment outcomes and the absence of strong evidence that custodial penalties act as a specific deterrent for juvenile offending suggest that custodial penalties ought to be used very sparingly with juvenile offenders."

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New Zealand

'Justice for Children: Detention as a Last Resort - Innovative Initiatives in the East Asia and Pacific Region', UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office [no date] [Pdf 2.12Mb]
Chapter 3 on 'Diversion and restorative justice' contains 4 project examples: 1. Community-Based Prevention and Diversion Programme – Cebu City, Philippines; 2. Police ‘Youth Aid Diversion’ Project – New Zealand; 3. The Restorative Justice Programme – Palau; 4. Community-Based Programme and Services for Juveniles in Conflict with the Law – Quezon City,  Philippines.

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