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9. Sample IEC materials - publicity & factsheets




Malawi factsheet on diversion of children in conflict with the law, UNICEF Malawi [Pdf 303kb]
Public information leaflet on diversion. Includes: situation of children in prison, simple definition of diversion, selecting a diversion programme for a child, advantages of diversion, list of offences not suitable for diversion (under the 2006 Child Bill) & list of diversion options.

Malawi factsheet on Child (Care, Protection and Justice) Bill 2006, UNICEF Malawi - FULL version [Pdf 415kb]
Public / general info leaflet on Malawi Child (Care, Protection and Justice) Bill 2006. Includes diversion as an option, restorative justice & non-labelling of ‘juvenile offenders’; sentencing no longer sends children to prison but to ‘reformatory centres’.

Malawi factsheet on Child (Care, Protection and Justice) Bill 2006, UNICEF Malawi - SUMMARY version [Pdf 448kb]
Summary version of the full factsheet.

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IEC materials (information, education & communication)

Sample police pocket handbooks, police posters and murals [Word 2.6Mb]
A selection of images showing sample IEC materials from various countries.

'Diversion and Alternatives to Detention', Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary, February 2006 [Pdf 284kb]
Simple, user-friendly booklet for police with good illustrations explaining / reminding them of the 8 diversion / alternative options and showing for each one the: purpose, procedures, records needed, practice tips and guidance notes. 8 options are: 1. Warning – name not recorded; 2. Warning – name recorded in notebook; 3. Counselling; 4. Mediation; 5. Community work; 6. Arrest, charge and bail – conditional release by police; 7. Arrest, charge and bail – conditional release by court; 8. Juvenile court restorative justice programme. Also includes 4 golden rules for police (1. Divert young people rather than arrest; 2. Do not use force; 3. Do not detain; 4. Remand is a last resort).

USA - 'Juvenile Diversion', Stephen T. Russell & Susan Wood, Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, 1998 [Pdf 92kb]
Sample public information leaflet introducing the concept of diversion to communities. Includes sections on: What is Juvenile Diversion? Why Would My Community be Interested in Juvenile Diversion? Who Are the Stakeholders in Juvenile Diversion Programs? Who Benefits From Juvenile Diversion? How Can I Get More Information? [Please note: this document is old and the situation on the ground may have changed].

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Video clips

These Are Our Kids: Transforming Juvenile Detention in Three American Cities, Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2004 [13 mins]
This video by Casey's Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative documents the power and effectiveness of juvenile detention reforms in Cook County (Chicago), Illinois, Multnomah County (Portland), Oregon, and Santa Cruz County, California.

'Partnership for Youth Justice', King County Superior Court, Washington State, USA, September 2009 [Part 1: 9 mins; Part 2: 10 mins; Part 3: 7 mins]
This clip showcases King County Superior Court's Partnership for Youth Justice (PYJ) diversion program in Washington State. First time and low level offenders meet with Community Accountability Boards (CABs) in the neighborhoods where they live, made up of community volunteers who are trained to hear these cases and to apply the principles of Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ). Youth are held accountable at a community level and connected with resources and services designed to reduce recidivism. Youth who complete this program successfully never set foot in a courthouse and do not obtain a criminal record.
Series of 3 video clips explaining the diversion programme
Part 1: 9.16 mins – includes footage clips of dialogues before CABs
Part 2: 9.48 mins – continuation of panel discussion started in Part 1
Part 3: 7.29 mins - continuation of panel discussion started in Part 2
Information about the PYJ programme:
FAQs about the PYJ programme:

'Books Not Bars', Ella Baker Center, USA (CBS News: 'Closing Youth Prisons'), 2005 [6.5 mins]
Compilation footage of the 'Books Not Bars' campaign to close California Youth Authority detention facilities where children are 6 times more likely to be re-arrested than those coming out the Missouri system (which has more progressive policies) and where the average annual cost per child is $115,000 compared to $45,000 for Missouri. [Please note that this clip is not strictly about alternatives to detention as the initiatives featured include closed 'group homes'. However, the footage is an interesting example of how advocacy / campaign initiatives have been documented and disseminated by video].

'Continuum of Restorative Justice', Howard Zehr (Centre for Justice and Peacebuilding, EMU) [6.5 mins]
This clip shows Howard Zehr, one of the key figures associated with the modern restorative justice movement, speaking about the following issues: Continuum of restorative justice; shame; respect; honour, humiliation & vindication; recognising our limits; restorative justice definition and values; indigenous justice, social justice & values.

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