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Resources by theme - media & public opinion



'The Media and Children's Rights', Mediawise and UNICEF, 2005, [Pdf 369kb]
Guidelines for journalists on how to safeguard children's rights in media reports.

'The Role of Statistics and Public Opinion in the Implementation of International Juvenile Justice Standards', Carolyn Hamilton and Rachel Harvey, The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations, Helsinki, 2005
Full paper
[Pdf 128kb]
Case Study 1: South Africa - The Fragility of the Children’s Rights Agenda [Word 89kb]
Case Study 2: Bulger and the UK: The Media, the Public and the Government’s Reaction [Word 72kb]
A study undertaken in 2002 by the Children's Legal Centre UK for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the role that public perception plays in the implementation of international juvenile justice standards. It was published by HEUNI in 2005. The document examines in detail the interplay between public opinion, media and government policy and the use and role of opinion polls. It includes 2 case studies as separate annexes: South Africa (the groundswell of positive public opinion which led to the post-apartheid reforms, followed by the backlash); and the UK (the huge impact of public/media reaction to a notorious murder committed by children).

UK - 'Call to cut UK youth custody rate', BBC News article (online) 3 September 2009 [Word 26kb]
Media coverage of a report by the Prison Reform Trust calling on UK authorities to mimic radical measures from overseas to cut youth crime and the number of children in prison.

UK - 'Teen alcohol crackdown 'success'', BBC News article (online) 15 October 2009 [Word 28kb]
Media coverage of the results of a £1.4 million (GBP) campaign to tackle teenage 'binge drinking' in 69 'priority areas' of England between July and September 2009.

UK - 'Ten-minute justice: Young thugs sentenced to serve less than a quarter of an hour in the community', ‘Mail online’ (Daily Mail newspaper), 22 August 2009 [Word 81kb]
Example of negative media coverage towards alternatives to detention in the UK.

'Strategic use of radio to create a climate of restorative juvenile justice', Charito Calvachi-Mateyko, 2009 [Pdf 90kb]
Presentation for the First World Congress on Restorative Juvenile Justice held in Lima, Peru, 4-7 November 2009.

‘Compilation of evidence showing positive victim/survivor impact’ [Word 83kb]
Resource created for this toolkit.



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