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Resources by theme - child development & psychology



Learn more about basic child development and psychology [Word 518kb]
Resource compiled for this toolkit.

'Learn more about adolescent brain research'[Word 62kb]
Resource compiled for this toolkit.

Using Adolescent Brain Research to Inform Policy: A Guide for Juvenile Justice Advocates', (US) National Juvenile Justice Network, [Pdf 329kb]
Excellent summary document of recent developments in adolescent brain research and the implication of this for policy and practice.

'Risk factors for crime', Tamburai Muchinguri, Malawi [Ppt 76kb]
Simple explanation of risk factors bringing children into conflict with the law with lists of examples categorized into: individual, family, school, peer group, community. [This should be considered alongside 'resiliency factors'].

'Guidelines on Strengths of the Child in Conflict with the Law and at Risk and His/Her Social Environment ', Dr Jasna Hrnčić, Serbia, June 2005 [Word 81kb]
Guidelines on identifying the strengths of the child and his/her immediate environment.

USA - 'From Time Out to Hard Time: Young Children in the Adult Criminal Justice System', Michele Deitch et al, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs The University of Texas at Austin, 2009 [Pdf 1.09Mb]
Study on the transfer of young children (under 12) to the adult criminal justice system in the USA, including information on adolescent brain development, the negative effects of detention and the over-representation of ethnic minorities.

'At what age?…are school-children employed, married and taken to court?', Angela Melchiorre, Right to Education Project, second edition, 2004 [Pdf 920kb]
Includes comparative table of countries showing minimum ages of criminal responsibility.

'Innocenti Insight: The Evolving Capacities of the Child', Gerison Lansdown, Save the Children & UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, 2005 [Pdf 468kb]
Key document outlining how to understand and apply the concept of the 'evolving capacities' of the child. Includes, amongst other things, a section on 'developing legal frameworks'.



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